Philosophical-anthropological approach to architecture

  • Kirsanova L.I.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article shows an attempt to ideate the architecture in anthropological way, i.e. as expression of individual feeling in compass of a dwelling, buildings, within the artificial environment – floors, ladders, columns, roofs, spikes, etc. One part of article concerns anthropology in architecture, and other part – sociocultural processes reflected in architecture. From this point of view it is offered to mark out and realize three stages in development of architecture as anthropological phenomenon: Improvised being (skill of an ant hill), actual being (a form for an eye), being-in-presence (buildings blend into the natural landscape, repeating it in forms and lines, in a material, color, etc.).

Keywords: anthropology and sociology of architecture, human being in an artificial environment, form and typology of human settlement, modern architectural designs.